Welcome To

Rise Kids & Teens

Welcome to Rise Kids and Teens (previously known as Arotahi). Based in Singapore, we offer Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Counselling services for children as young as 2 years old up to Teens.  Our Therapy sessions take place in schools and in our Clinic gyms and therapy rooms.  It is our strong belief that every individual is unique and extraordinary and that they all have the ability to thrive. Rise’s values align with my own personal values, including the importance of trust, care, transparency, a warm smile and belly laughs. I understand first hand what it means to be a Child’s voice, their advocate and someone they look to, to navigate their journey. Rise is different to other therapy providers. Why? Our Rise practitioners firmly believe in the importance of a team approach to guide your child or teenager. We value experience, training and ensuring continuous best practice. We endeavour to make sure your experience, and that of your child/ teen is positive, happy and effective. We look forward to working alongside you and your family.

Sarah Neville, Director and Senior Occupational Therapist

How can we help?

We are an outstanding Therapy Provider for Children and Teenagers in Singapore at home, school or in the clinic!

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists are healthcare professionals trained to identify barriers to everyday occupations. In the school setting, this refers to the prerequisite skills needed for learning, attention and participation. Some areas Occupational therapists look at are: gross and fine motor skills, motor planning, executive functioning, handwriting, attention and focus, and sensory processing skills.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language therapists provide life altering treatment, support and care for children and teens who have difficulties with communication, eating and drinking and swallowing. Some areas Speech and Language therapists look at are speech delays and difficulties, reading and writing skills, attention and focus, self-regulation, engagement and social skills.


Counselling allows a child a safe space to explore their emotions. Counselling can help with areas such as emotional and behavioural difficulties, anxiety disorders, sleep issues, confidence and self esteem concerns or issues with bullying. We also work with children adjusting to a new environment or family dynamic as well as helping new mothers with any pre or post natal difficulties.


Cogmed is an online training programme that works to improve working memory. Working memory is vital for a person's learning, concentration, reasoning and ability to resist distractions. Cogmed is designed by cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists. Leading independent research teams worldwide have proven Cogmed's efficiency in 100 + studies and peer reviewed journals

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Our clinic address:

8 Biomedical Grove #01-10, Neuros, Singapore, 138665.
We are situated a 10 minute walk from Buona Vista and One North MRT station.




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